Attic before we started the project
As we see in this picture, the fiberglass is not enough to have comfortable rooms. Plus we see that their is some space between the pads and this is not good because he let's air pass through this space.

Baffle + mold
We have another angle of the attic in this picture and we can clearly see that the baffle is not placed as it should be and there is mold on the wood.

Closer look to the mold
Mold in an attic is not good. It can affect the structure and do some heavy damage to the roof if not treated.

Air seal
After removing all the old fiberglass, we seal off every possible air leak with our expandable foam named Zypfoam. This processes helps to keep the air in the attic and control the air temperature in the attic.

Mid project picture
In this picture, we see again the Zypfoam and you can see we always add a ruler in the attic to prove that we blow over 16 inches of cellulose and on this ruler, you can see how much fiberglass it would need to achieve the same amount of R60 value of cellulose.

As you can see here the baffle was clearly not doing their jobs as they should do. And some were damaged so change them.

Final result
We have blown over 16 inches of cellulose fiber and this attic is now isolated more than ever. The client will see a significant change in his rooms and he will have a more comfortable house.