Attic successfully insulated
Our client is now free from all worries related to his attic. Moreover, his home became more comfortable, and he his hydro bill significantly reduced.
Attic Hatch
This is the largest hole in the attic. Thus, it should be very well insulated in order to have a perfect result
Air sealing: One of the most important steps in the insulation process
After removing the existing insulation, we identified all sources of air leaks. Using our revolutionary product, ZypFoam, we completed the sealing process, preventing air from escaping into the attic
Inadequate Insulation
According to most of the regions of Quebec, a thermal value of R60 should be present within the attic in order to have a perfect insulation. As shown in the picture above, it is clear that the current insulation does not give the R60 value, which results in non satisfactory insulation results.